Fish Fry

Started by Brother Knight John Housman in 2014, this event brings our parish community together for fish dinners on designated Friday's during lent for Lenten fellowship and encouragement to stay for the Stations of the Cross.

We hold dinners in the St. Thomas More PAC Center from 4:30 to 6:30 PM on Fridays during lent (t;ypically 2 or 3 Fridays).  Fish Fry Dinners consists of Deep-Fried Fish, Fries, Coleslaw and Chowder.

With a Free Will Offering, funds raised go to paying for event costs with any excess funds raised going into our General Fund.

Knights, their Spouses and Children have volunteered to make this event a success, however volunteers don't have to be a Knight to help make this event successful.  Inquires can be emailed to or by completing the volunteer Inquiry form below.