Tootsie Roll Campaign

The Tootsie Roll Campaign is our councils' way of supporting the Special Olympics; a program near and dear to the Knights of Columbus organization, many of our parishioners and your Brother Knights.

Brother Chuck Meeks saw the need for our council to support Special Olympics here in Spokane and found that K of C Supreme Council had a program that aligned with the Preservation of Life.  In 2012, he petitioned the council to take up the program and we are now proudly carrying on this tradition of supporting our Washington Special Olympics.

Our goal is to remain visible in our support of the sanctity of life while raising $2,000 during the event and / or 200 volunteer hours.  With the funds raised from the sale of the Tootsie Rolls going to Washington State Special Olympics, any balance remaining goes to support Organizations designated by our council.

The event is usually held in the fall but can be held anytime during the year and is usually completed on a weekend outside the Rosauers stored at the Y and at 5 mile.

Knights and family members work together to make this event a success, however volunteers don't have to be a Knight to help make this event a success.  Inquires and be emailed to or by completing the volunteer form below.